Thread subject: :: green Calyptrate -> Bellardia cf. vulgaris

Posted by johnes81 on 09-07-2019 15:00

not a Tachinid and i think that the only green Tachinid in our region is Gymnochaeta, which cannot be mistaken. Nay, should not be mistaken but i actually saw a blog with a Lucilia label for G. viridis. I guess it is possible to mistake it for something else.

Anyway, this female belongs to Calliphoridae. Bellardia vulgaris or viarum.
I do not have these specimens, so i cannot suggest a species.
I understand, according to Dr. Rognes, that viarum is more hairy than vulgaris. I'd have to see them myself to judge this feature. Otherwise, genitalia will be better.

the two thin black stripes on the mesonotum are useful for separating Bellardia from Calliphora, which can also be greenish.