Thread subject: :: Nowickia ferox?

Posted by MStoltze on 13-02-2019 23:02

The large fly on this poor photo back from Juli 13 2015 seem to me as Nowickia ferox. The black markings on the abdomen are not typical, but that seem to vary. The location is Scania in the far south of Sweden and the other two Nowickia in Sweden are more northern species. Can N. ferox be confirmed from this photo?

Posted by Zeegers on 14-02-2019 19:04

It is a Nowickia. I have no idea whether you have atripalpis as well ?


Posted by MStoltze on 14-02-2019 21:30

No, only ferox, marklini and alpina are known from Sweden. The southernmost report of marklini on "artportalen" is around latitude 60, and alpina is only in the northern highlands. My photo is from latitude 55.45 - so i think ferox is the only likely species.

Posted by Zeegers on 15-02-2019 08:41

Well, it is not marklini neither alpina.
