Thread subject: :: Tiny insects on a moth's wing

Posted by Stephen on 13-01-2019 11:13

Would love to know what these tiny insects are. They are on the forewing of a seemingly healthy Arctiine moth. Tiny!

Posted by Sundew on 13-01-2019 13:18

These are flies (so you could have chosen the forum "Diptera (adults)" ;)) and belong to the Ceratopogonidae, probably genus Forcipomyia. They suck haemolymph from the wing veins. See https://diptera.i...ad_id=8720!
Regards, Sundew

Posted by Stephen on 14-01-2019 12:35

Thank-you Sundew! I wish now I had tried to get a closer photo. I did not see these insects until I examined the moth photo.