Thread subject: :: 5 ways to ID Keroplatus (reaumurii/testaceus)

Posted by Sundew on 15-12-2018 17:05

Dear Rafael, you are doing a great work here! My specimen of https://diptera.i...d_id=75412 seems to be K. reaumurii indeed.

Some remarks:

1. The link in #1 does not work. It looks like this: "http://(http//" - the brackets must not be included, and there is one "http//" too much. This one should be OK:
However, in this paper I cannot find the key you cited...

2. #3: You've been trying so hard to type the Russian key by Zaitzev - the link to it would have been sufficient (less typos ;)). In Zaitzev's key the names of the taxa were written in Latin letters, but you did not switch between Latin and Cyrillic script, so the names are not readable.
Кегортшв Возс = Keroplatus Bosc
Кмгриюёдезвозс = K. tipuloides Bosc
К. 10Ьа1из зр, п_ = K. lobatus spec. nov.
К.Ы/огтЕ3О1‹а‹1а = K. biformis Okada
К. геаитигйг Оигоиг = K. reaumurii Dufour
К. гииепзёз эр. п. = K. tuvensis spec. nov.
К. йдзраг ОиГоиг = K. dispar Dufour
К. гевгасеиз ВаПтап = K. testaceus Dalman
К. пгрропдсиз Окааа = K. nipponicus Okada

I would like to repeat my hint from https://diptera.i...d_id=75454 here, that Kjærandsen et al. (2007) regard K. tuvensis and K. dispar as conspecific with K. testaceus and thus junior synonyms, as the differences in genital morphology are within the limits of variation in K. testaceus - see p. 20 of

The difference in shape of the middle ventral outgrowth of the gonocoxites between K. reaumurii (rounded top) and K. testaceus (narrow triangular) is quite clear. Why would you call the latter "with concave sides"? And, as pointed out above, there seems to be much variability in K. testaceus...

If wing venation and abdomen colour were reliable characters, we would have one less problem.

Thanks again for the compilation of characters! I will save that immediately.

Best wishes, Sundew

Edited by Sundew on 15-12-2018 17:07