Thread subject: :: caterpillar with dipteran "bloodsuckers"??

Posted by John Carr on 22-12-2013 00:18

In 1972 Willis Wirth wrote:

"In 1956 (Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 49: 356-364) I reviewed all the published records and available museum specimens of these caterpillar parasites and concluded that all pertained to Forcipomyia fuliginosa (Meigen), a common species with nearly worldwide distribution. I have just finished going over the museum material and literature again, and although I can now recognize several distinct local species of caterpillar parasites in tropical America, F. fuliginosa still remains as the main species attacking lepidopterous larvae around the world. It also occasionally attacks other soft-bodied insects such as sawfly larvae, dragonflies, and meloid beetles."