Thread subject: :: Limoniidae>Gnophomyia viridipennis

Posted by nick upton on 28-09-2018 19:39

I hope someone can confirm my ID for this fly which was new to be and is a nationally scarce species in the UK.

c 20mm, flying around and standing on recently felled trees (not sure of species) in damp woodland in Gloucestershire, UK on 27.9.18

As far as I'm aware there are only two Gnophomyia species in the UK, G. elsneri which looks quite different and has a very limited distribution, not near my site, and my photos match images and habitat descriptions perfectly for G.viridipennis (whose grubs feed gregariously under the bark of recently fallen trees, usually Populus spp.

Edited by nick upton on 30-09-2018 22:27