Thread subject: :: Choerades femoratus?

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 17-09-2018 22:03

Aha, I had look at the pictures, but I'm not yet convinced, the face seems to have yellowish sheen to it , in femorata it is usually white. Also the antennae, the first segment doesn't seem to be more than 3x the second segment which would also point at marginata.

Maybe this will help adding pictures: (Borrowed from FAQ) How do I attach a file (image) to my post?
At the bottom of a new message you have the option to attach a document. By clicking on the 'Browse' button you can navigate to the desired file on the local computer and click on 'Open'. When you post the message, the attachment will be uploaded. An attached image is not visible when previewing your message.

Attaching files to forum posts is restricted to the following types: gif - jpg - png - zip - rar - tar.
Please make sure that you use lower case, because attachments with extensions in upper case (capitals) are rejected. The maximum size is 200000 bytes. Other requirements are: no spaces in the file name, not dots in the file name other than the one in front of the file extension and only alphanumerical characters and '-' and '_' are allowed.

Edited by Quaedfliegh on 17-09-2018 22:44