Thread subject: :: Tephritidae-->Noeeta hemiradiata

Posted by Fernando Pires on 27-04-2020 20:39

Dear Val,

Here are the coordinates: 37°04'50.8"N 8°17'08.9"W
Believe it or not, it was in a resort where each apartment had a little yard where I set up the sheet and the light every night. Quite a few surprises, despite the nearby heavy street illumination. I always say: it's always worth a try! And boy, did it pay off.
One curiosity: Is mine the only known picture of a live individual of this species?
Thanks again for the id confirmation, and do let me know if I can help you any further.
I promise that, if in future endeavours I happen to catch one of these beauties, I'll collect it and send it to you.
All the best,


Edited by Fernando Pires on 27-04-2020 20:40