Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae: Argyra magnicornis/setimana => Argyra cf diaphana (female)

Posted by skrylten on 05-06-2018 16:05

Thanks Igor for the clarification and your Doli keys !

My understanding will be:
- hypopygium is a male feature not existing in females ?

-The tricky couplet for me was (same for you John and Nini)
"Mesonotum entirely covered with hairs in addition to setae" - diaphana and hoffmeisteri
"Only anterior part of mesonotum covered with hairs in addition to setae" - magnicornis and setimana

I read it wrongly as if the mesonotum wasnt entirely covered with hair it had to be magnicornis/setimana ...

What would be
the anterior part of mesonotum
Is it like "anterior of the suture" ?


Leif K

Edited by skrylten on 05-06-2018 16:08