Thread subject: :: Family and genus? => Schumannimyia hyalinata (Lauxaniidae)

Posted by johnes81 on 25-05-2018 15:32

The title here should be Calliopum sp? we cannot yet suggest a species in the title.
John is superb at placing a fly into a family or genus and he questions this one with good reason: it is dark and doesn't fit Calliopum. I have both male and female C. simillimum and it doesn't match.

I am not even sure if it is Calliopum. I think that it resembles Calliopum but the arista should be yellowish and the antennal segments should be reddish or orange. Plus, i usually find Calliopum with yellow tint on the wings.

IF this is a Calliopum species, then Shatalkin's keys indicate Calliopum splendidum: yellow hind and mid tibia, 4 rows of ac.

I think that we should be certain that this is a Calliopum species before trying to place a species level id. The photos are not very good and we have no genitalia.

Paul is excellent with Lauxaniidae, so we should wait to see if Paul has an opinion.

Edited by johnes81 on 25-05-2018 15:33