Thread subject: :: Hebecnema cf vespertina

Posted by johnes81 on 11-01-2018 13:29

we can use the art of deduction here. Thus, let us briefly describe your subject:
eyes appear to be sparsely haired. parafacials silvery. one av hind tibia. two pd mid tibia. femora are dark at all angles. all tibiae are reddish yellow at certain angles but can be described as obscure. abdomen has a dark midline.

specimen is not H. umbratica.
H. umbratica has hairy eyes. male eyes are touching. parafacials are silvery white. legs are entirely black.

specimen is not H. fulva.
H. fulva is supposed to be entirely yellow.

specimen is not H. pallipes.
H. pallipes has all femora and tibiae reddish yellow.

specimen is not H. nigricolor
H. nigricolor has mid and hind femora reddish yellow in addition to all tibiae being reddish yellow.
eyes are bare, parafacialia are not silvery. halteres yellow. male calypters have a brownish yellow rim.

specimen is not H. fumosa
parafacials are supposed to be brown and it is supposed to be missing the dark midline on the abdomen
description of legs matches but overall this isn't a match.

we are left with H. vespertina.
eyes with short sparse hairs? yes
calypters yellowish? yes.
haltere with yellowish base and dark knob? yes
hind tibia with one av? yes
abdomen with a dark midline? yes
wings infuscated on male? yes
parafacials brown? not exactly but at certain angles they appear to be brown.

I think that this is H. vespertina.
If anyone has a different opinion, then eventually that someone will post here.

we should call it Hebecnema cf vespertina without genitalia or an expert opinion.

I hope that you have a Pleasant Day.