Thread subject: :: Tachinidae NL => Compsilura concinnata

Posted by Ramonv on 28-12-2017 19:18


I found this tachinid fly in my garden in the west of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 2017. Could it be Phorocera obscura?

Best wishes.


Edited by Ramonv on 29-12-2017 09:09

Posted by Ramonv on 28-12-2017 19:18

second photo

Posted by Ramonv on 28-12-2017 19:19

third photo

Posted by Zeegers on 28-12-2017 21:39

No, I see 4 post DC, so can't be Phorocera.
The wing venation is more Blondeliini. the strong bristles on facial ridge suggest Compsilura and the ocellars are lacking, so it is the female of Compsilura concinnata. Only after reaching this conclusion, I noticed the sawshaped belly, which settles it.


Posted by Ramonv on 29-12-2017 09:09

Thank you Theo
