Thread subject: :: Dutch Parallelomma species

Posted by nielsyese on 07-12-2017 17:38

Hi everybody,
I'm struggling with the taxonomy of the two Dutch Parallelomma species. When I look in the checklist by Beuk, I can see two species:

* Parallelomma media Becker, 1894
* Parallelomma vittata (Meigen, 1826)

When I look in the key from Ball (2007), Key to the British Scathophagidae (Diptera), two species are mentioned:
* Parallelomma paridis Hering, 1923
* Parallelomma vittatum (Meigen, 1826)

Of course it might be possible that paridis is another species that occurs in Britain, but not in the Netherlands, so I was also checking This is a website about all mining flies in the Netherlands. They mention two species: Americina vittata and Americina media. But when I look for the synonyms of Americina vittata, I find:

Chylizosoma vittatum; Parallelomma paridis (Hering, 1923); P. convallariae (Kaltenbach, 1873); P. beckeri Séguy, 1932; P. paucheti Séguy, 1932; P. hostae Hering, 1955; P. sasakawae Hering, 1955; P. albamentum Séguy, 1963.

So: we have a species called Americina vittata synonym with Parallelomma paridis, which is in the key from Ball together with Parallelomma vittatum. I think this is really strange!!

Can somebody clarify this issue for me?:)