Thread subject: :: Calliphoridae - Eurychaeta muscaria

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 17-10-2017 18:49

I followed the key given by Knut Rognes :

-Parafacialia at narrowest point about as wide as palp at broadest point and half as wide as first flagellomere ; gena in profile, about as wide as first flagellomere. [...]Female : first flagellomer rather broad, 1.8-2 as long as broad ; frons about as wide as an eye when seen from above ................................palpalis.

-Parafacialia at narrowest point about 2-3 wider than palp at broadest point and as wide as first flagellomere ; gena in profile 1.5-2 times higher than width of first flagellomere. [...] Female : first flagellomere narrower than in palpalis, about 2.5 times as long as broad ; frons wider than an eye when seen from above.........muscaria.

Edited by Stephane Lebrun on 17-10-2017 18:53