Thread subject: :: Tephritidae: Noeeta pupillata (three specimen)? --> Genus Noeeta

Posted by Fred Fly on 05-09-2017 06:50

Dear Valery,
I’m very sorry to disagree you. First I wondered that I’m living 120 km from Zingst and have never found N. bisetosa while only N. pupillata is quite frequent here in dunes at Baltic coast. There is no record of this species from whole Germany, Denmark (50 km from Zingst) or Scandinavia as far as I know. For this reasons I compared kuv pictures with my material of N. bisetosa. I’m unable to identify or interpret a pre-sutural dorsocentral seta, a black base of frontal supraalar seta, or a single black hair on frons on any picture. In addition all specimens showing a darkened area in R2+3. These characters and the distribution making it more reliable that all pictures showing only one species: N. pupillata.