Thread subject: :: Chironomidae => Ablabesmyia sp.

Posted by RamiP on 24-05-2017 19:02

24.5.17 in Jyväskylä, Finland

Edited by RamiP on 24-05-2017 20:51

Posted by John Carr on 24-05-2017 19:37


I forget if European females are determinable -- I do not have my books with me.

Posted by RamiP on 24-05-2017 20:50

Thanks John
We have in Finland three species: longistyla, monilis and phatta.


Posted by Tony Irwin on 24-05-2017 20:53

I don't think they are separable - certainly Fittkau (1962 - Die Tanypodinae) does not mention any differences between the females.

Edited by Tony Irwin on 24-05-2017 20:53