Thread subject: :: Tipula (female)--> Tipula (Mediotipula) sarajevensis (female)

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 10-11-2018 20:54

In all the drawings of ovipositors by Theowald 1978, the cerci is driven forewards, so it's not worth comparing cerci/valval lengths but reading the text instead:

If we easily assume Mediotipula subgenus, then:

Thorax matt with four more or less distinct stripes
Cerci equidistant over a greater part of its length and with a clearly rounded tip.
The first three flagellar members each clearly shorter than the first antenna member.
Hypovalve base not thickened
Praescutum yellowish brown frosted with brown longitudinal stripes:

drives to
Tipula (Mediotipula) siebkei

Wing length 12.45 mm and fly period vii-ix is also concordant.

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 27-11-2018 19:30