Thread subject: :: Cecidomyiidae Dasineura larvae ?

Posted by solito de solis on 15-03-2017 15:16

@John Carr
I collected a 100 ml sample in a puddle on a roof. Old leaves of Rubus fructicosus Blackberries ! in the water, Haematococcus, rotifers and larvae of Chironomidae and a lot of ciliates.
I know there are no aquatic larva of Cecidomyiidae, perhaps they were on the surface of the leaves, but they were in the collected sample. Their size is 2 mm length.
They survive long in the water. I will post pictures and a video clip later.
I did prospect in the Gagné... and read that there is no determination key for these larvae yet.

Thank you.


ps: Could be a Dasineura

Edited by solito de solis on 15-03-2017 15:38