Thread subject: :: Male Tabanus glaucopis? Or exclusus?-->T.glaucopis

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 21-02-2017 23:39

Seems freshly emerged from riverside, ... not collected. (Iberia: Girona province; Beuda: Riera de Rajolins: 380 masl; 2016 August the 2nd)

As I can't get at the moment the Iberian Portillo keys I have followed Kroatian keys (Krcmar, et al, 2011). Unfortunately I didn't measure it. So I think we have to look at the hairs of the vertex (pale and dark in exclusus; black in glaucopis) and the subcallus (only apically polished in exclusus and completely polished in glaucopis)... but i dont' trust too much theses features....
Tabanus glaucopis is common in my area.

Can anybody help?

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 26-01-2023 00:38

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 21-02-2017 23:40

... more details

Posted by Zeegers on 22-02-2017 09:44

Life is not so simple.
You have several other species.

For starters, it is not exclusus.


Posted by Zeegers on 22-02-2017 10:23

Could you please upload the fullsize of the upper left photo of the second picture ?

And for future cases: please make the head shots strictly frontal and strictly lateral.
these shots with oblique anglea are very hard to interpret.



Posted by rafael_carbonell on 22-02-2017 16:00

Here they are

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 22-02-2017 16:00


Posted by Zeegers on 22-02-2017 21:03

I wm sorry, my mistake: I meant upper right, the one on the orange rock (?).


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 22-02-2017 23:42

No problem... it's my finger

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 22-02-2017 23:43


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 22-02-2017 23:43


Posted by Zeegers on 24-02-2017 18:22

You can see the very stout palpus and the antenna is black. This does not fit any species in the glaucopis group, but rather suggests cordiger group.
If ther would be one eyeband, the only option with a big head is leleani, which is definitely not Spanish.

So I am lost.

Did you happen to note the number of eyebands ?


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 24-02-2017 19:26

I'm sorry Theo. Pictures don't help, and some parts were taken in shadow conditions. In the picture with green background the antenna don't look completely black.
The subcallus looks polished in the upper part (i would suspect is more unpolished as it was freshly emerged). I thought this could help.
I think the eyes in the lower part have at least three stripes.

Next time I will collect it.

Posted by Zeegers on 25-02-2017 11:22

It will remain a mystery.
there is only one species in the glaucopis group with stout palpi, and that is T. fraseri from Turkey......


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 25-02-2017 13:26

We have had this discussion before (with a female Tabanus):
When you say "stout" do you mean thick? Or short?
There are pictures on the web (some of the from this site) of "Tabanus glaucopis male" that look similar.
But anyway all my specimens are smaller than they should.
May be I can send them to you?
All the best anyway,

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 25-02-2017 13:26

Posted by Zeegers on 25-02-2017 14:00

I didn't realize you collected this male !
If I have it on my desk, the mystery is likely soon solved.
So I'd like to study it.
If you need my postl address, send me a PM.



Posted by rafael_carbonell on 25-02-2017 14:07

Ok, is the same I used when I send you tachinids


Posted by Zeegers on 25-02-2017 16:30

Yes, it is. Thanks


Posted by Zeegers on 03-03-2017 17:04

I looked at it again.
This is not glaucopis and I am pretty sure it is the male of leleani.
This would, however, be the first record for Spain.
Leleani is generally more eastern, but it has been recorded from Morocco.

So, maybe this year you can find this species again and collected !
Would be a first for Spain.


Posted by Zeegers on 03-03-2017 17:04

By the way, the material you sent are typical glaucopis, as already noted by yourself. I agree.


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 25-01-2023 23:52
