Thread subject: :: Spilomyia ?manicata/saltuum

Posted by NakaRB on 17-11-2016 20:11

Russia, Moscow region, 19.07.2016

Edited by NakaRB on 14-12-2016 18:23

Posted by Sundew on 22-11-2016 01:10

I have never seen a Spilomyia before (a wonderful fly indeed!), but I tried the key by van Steenis (2000) (https://www.resea...6019e2.pdf). As the hairs on the scutellum are quite long, I would go for S. manicata. The shape of the posterior yellow band on tergite IV also fits the description. - This species should have black front tarsi, but it is stated that the apical tarsomere seldom is light brown, which is the case here. So let us wait if somebody will confirm S. manicata or prove that my ID is wrong. In any case I have learned a lot about this interesting genus!
Regards, Sundew

Posted by NakaRB on 23-11-2016 20:59

Thank you very much!

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-12-2016 19:20

I think it's a male Spilomyia saltuum