Thread subject: :: Sphegina verecunda in Norway

Posted by Louis Boumans on 19-07-2016 15:21

Thanks so far;

i went to Van Veen's key as follows:
- sternum I not reduced, wider than long (excludes sibirica)
- katepisternum dull
- tibia 2 not expanded
- female
- tergite II longer than width of hind margin (excludes Sp. sphegina)
- tergite V without membranous strips, mouth edge moderately protruding, gena small
- postpronotum and humerus black (excludes elegans)
- face black, tergite II less than 2.5 times as long as width of hind margin, fronts with bare stripe (excludes clunipes)
- subcosta joining costa at r-m crossvein

If it is not Sph. verecunda, it should be clunipes. My specimen does have a bit yellow at the lower mouth edge. Tergite I is about 2.1 times as long as the width of the hind margin, though. Frons seems to have (more) bare middle stripe if viewed at lateral angle, but seems all dusted in frontal view.

So the question is: what does tergite II and face look like in clunipes?

I attach some pictures. Maybe you can comment?

Edited by Louis Boumans on 19-07-2016 15:23