Posted by Louis Boumans on 18-07-2016 02:25
Thank you Sundew, I'll have a look at the litterature. I'll also check with the specimens in the museum in Oslo; they won't have verecunda but probably the other two species. And then identify an expert...
Does anyone here happen to have a pdf copy of
Doczkal, D. (1995): Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Weibchen der deutschen Sphegina-Arten (Diptera, Syrphidae) - Volucella ,Stuttgart 1(1), 3-19
BTW: Oslo, though the county's capital, has very green and nature-like areas. I think some 10 or more species of stoneflies can be found in the municipality. Although I live 700m away from running water, I've found two stonefly species in my garden.