Thread subject: :: Platypezidae - Polyporivora

Posted by conopid on 20-07-2007 14:22

I have collected a Platypezid that looks very similar to the Polyporivora ornata in the gallery on this site. In the UK we only have two species of Polyporivora - P. ornata and P picta, but I don't have Chandler's (expensive:() key work. Can anyone say how to tell these two species apart?

Nigel Jones

Edited by conopid on 20-07-2007 15:57

Posted by Jan Willem on 20-07-2007 18:15

Hi Nigel,

According to Chandler (2001):

- Wing with membrane brownish yellow tinted; cell cup very long, 3,5 x length of A1+CuA2 beyond it. => Polyporivora picta
- Wing clear, with only cell sc faintly yellowish; cell cup shorter, 2-3 x length of vein A1+CuA2 beyond it => Polyporivora ornata

- Thorax with a broad black median stripe reaching scutellum, which is also mainly black above. Abdomen with T2 often bearing a pair of small grey spots dorsally; T3-5 with triangular black basal markings, that on T3 extended to hind margin => Polyporivora picta
- Thorax with dark median stripe narrowed behind and ending well short of scutellum, fused in front with lateral dark markings to form tridentate pattern; scutellum without black marking. Abdomen with T2 entirely black dorsally, T3 broadly black in middle dorsally and T4-5 with basal black bands => Polyporivora ornata

Jan Willem

Edited by Jan Willem on 23-11-2007 08:11

Posted by conopid on 20-07-2007 23:26

Many thanks Jan. I'll check my specimen in the morning.:)

Posted by conopid on 22-11-2007 22:58

I have decided to invest in the book - ?70! But, my what an impressive book it is. Now I just need to find some more Platypezids!;)