Thread subject: :: I can't submit pictures for the gallery

Posted by Isidro on 19-06-2007 15:44

After some months registered in this forum, I found the button that says "Submit Photo for Gallery". Very happy, I tried yesterday uploead my few photos but appear a message saying:

"Your Photo could not be submitted

Submit another Link"

The size is correct, and I uploaded directly from my PC through the button "Examine".

I thinked that my pictuires maybe was waiting moderation and I waited to today, but I see that are new pictures in the gallery and not the mines.

I read about post with similar problem in this forum but no one was the same and I don't know how to upload now.

I have few pictures but some species that aren't in the gallery and for this reason I want help to make these gallery more useful.

I hope that somebody can help me.

Thanks in advance. Regards ;)

Edited by Isidro on 19-06-2007 15:45