Thread subject: :: the most crazy fly I've seen so far! Acroceridae - Cyrtus gibbus

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 21-06-2007 16:04

believe it or not... but today I .... found another acrocerid!!! :o What are the probabilities to find another acrocerid if this sentence (yes, I showed it before..) is true: "They are cosmopolitan in distribution but rarely observed in most places; the majority of the over 500 species are known from fewer than 10 specimens. They are found most commonly in semi-arid tropical locations."? :) This time was above Rubus sp. leaf. It was my third acrocerid. It is Cyrtus as well. For species... I must see better the legs and proboscis, but probably is the same species (I have collected it..). I found it in the same place and at almost same hour. About 2.30 pm with strong Sun. (finally good weather that arrived today in June solstice!).

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 21-06-2007 16:07