Thread subject: :: the most crazy fly I've seen so far! Acroceridae - Cyrtus gibbus

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 20-06-2007 09:05

Paul Beuk wrote:
I have seen nothing in these pictures that is in contradiction with Cyrtus gibbus as described in Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region by Sack (1936).

:) And it was spotted here before.
Anyway one of the most interesting flies I've ever seen since Myopa picta. :)

Is there any information about the size of planidium for these flies?? Any scheme how it seems?
I didn?t know that "They are cosmopolitan in distribution but rarely observed in most places; the majority of the over 500 species are known from fewer than 10 specimens." in . It lacks there a link for diptera gallery. :D

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 20-06-2007 10:43