Thread subject: :: Diogma glabrata?

Posted by atylotus on 05-06-2015 18:26

Phalacrocera replicata : long forked abdominal processes; Dark brown or lighter dorsally, whitish ventrally and between the segments (semi-aquatic mosses)
Cylindrotoma distinctissima: short body processes withouth teeth at the anterior margin; light green. darker dorsally (terrestrial)
Diogma glabrata: short body processes with 1-2 teeth at the anterior margin; green with brown or black markings (terrestrial)
Triogma trisulcata: short body processes with 3-4 teeth at the anterior margin; dark brown or brownish green, lighter ventrally with darker markings along dorsum (semi-aquatic mosses).
I have added the drawings from Brindle (1967) with this message
So Diogma glabrata is o.k.

Nice photo BTW, may I suggest adding your photo to the Diptera gallery.

Edited by atylotus on 05-06-2015 18:40