Thread subject: :: Choerades cf dioctriaeformis

Posted by ValerioW on 26-06-2014 22:24

Quaedfliegh wrote:
From the Netherlands only Choerades marginatus (marginata) is accepted at the moment until trustworthy information is published. Actaully most Dutch specimens seem to be C. femorata. Almost all (both sexes!) shiny white facial hair. Geller-Grimm notes that C dioctiaeformis is a doubtful species as it is very hard to seperate:

Further more in available keys it says male C. dioctiaeformis should have white hair on first 3 tergites. This one has yellow hair. Long story short, in the Netherlands all these Choerades look-a-likes are named C. marginatus until more reliable information is being published. Research is going on. Havea look here:

Characters like antennae (scape/pedicel) and to a lesser level facial gibbosity hairs (marginatus has usually yellow, while here are white) are not much compatible with marginatus. femorata has hairs confined to hind margins of T1-T3 while dioctriaeformis sometimes (as this specimen) has them also in other parts of tergites. Hair's colour is the same in femorata and dioctriaeformis