Thread subject: :: Themira malformans ?

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 04-07-2014 21:54

Hi Johanna,
with both your specimens in hand, I can confirm the identity of Themira superba.
The picture 2 is misleading because the fore tarsi has tarsomeres 2 and 3 almost fused, even difficult to distinguish without the adequate angle under lens. This concerns only one of the 2 specimens, the second one has regular distinct tarsomeres.
Tarsomere 2 is therefore somewhat shorter than tarsomere 3 as expected for T. superba.
All other characters (missing ant. nt stea, pruinosity on katepisternum, meron, anepimeron, coxas, special setae on mid and hind femora, sternite 4) fit 100% with Themira superba.