Thread subject: :: Gonia ornata (Tachinidae)

Posted by Zeegers on 27-06-2014 07:55

In vacua, the light dusting on tergites 3 and 4 is hardly visible, in ornata it is conspicuous. This made (and makes) me believe this is ornata.
I agree that the black vitta is usually broader in ornata. However, this feature is pretty variable. I have seen 100's of ornata. 10 % of them are even totally black !
You can also observe a kind of dark hind margin of tergite, which I have never seen in vacua (admitted: not seen 100's of those).
Finally, vacua is pretty rare and ornata is pretty common. A Gonia should be pretty clear vacua before I'd make that call.

So, all in all, one feature indicates vacua and the others ornata, which makes me believe this is ornata.
