Thread subject: :: Cheilosia (?) with red legs

Posted by Juergen Peters on 18-08-2005 20:24


These medium sized (~8-10 mm) flies were very abundant today here in Ostwestfalen/Germany on meadows. Is it Cheilosia, perhaps C. flavipes? Thanks in advance!

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 18-08-2005 20:46

It is a Cheilosia, and I'm pretty sure this is a female of Cheilosia scutellata! The scutellum has a yellow border, and the humeri are yellow, and the antennae are brown/red.

Edited by Gerard Pennards on 18-08-2005 20:50

Posted by Juergen Peters on 20-08-2005 09:30


Gerard Pennards wrote:
It is a Cheilosia, and I'm pretty sure this is a female of Cheilosia scutellata! The scutellum has a yellow border, and the humeri are yellow, and the antennae are brown/red.

Thanks a lot, Gerard!

Posted by Andre on 03-10-2005 12:21

Additional: if the 'cheeks' have orange markings, it's for sure scutellata. If the cheeks are black and the antennae a bit more reddish and a bit larger: check on Ch. soror. Better catch them if you are not sure.