Thread subject: :: Ctenophora : flaveolata, or festiva ?

Posted by Arthropa on 05-05-2007 23:56


There is some concern about some female Ctenophora sp, on the french forum "Le Monde des Insectes" (have a glance here if you understand french ! ;)). Here is the first picture :

And here is a second specimen, thought to be from the same species, where one may have a better view of wings :

And here is wing detail : And here is the question :D :
The first step in "Faune de France" key deals with the presence of a marking covering pterostigma, either covering part of discoidal cell, or extending to the border of the wing, that leads further to ornata, festiva or elegans if present, or pilosa, pectinicornis, nigricoxa, flaveolata, or guttata if absent.

So, the problem with this specimen is to know whether the black marking spreading from pterostigma to the border of this wing is significative (which would lead to C. festiva), or not (leading to C. flaveolata) ?

Thanks ! ;)

Edited by Arthropa on 05-05-2007 23:57