Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 11-09-2007 12:24
so, in resume:
pin #3 -- to keep labels tight. Is this the reference: E6861E N0.3 - 38mm x 0.50mm ? it is ugly..
pin A1, D3 -- Stainless steel headless pins - I don?t like these one.. I prefer black pins.. I have some pins with this feature: size 0, length 38 mm, diameter 0,35 mm. It correspond to the E6862B in the site you gave. I used only these pins... just I will need a more smaller pins like these: size 000, length 38 mm, diameter 0,25 mm (the E6861 in the Watkins' site) I suppose you use pin A1 to pin very tiny flies on small stripe of plastazote, and the other one D3 in a much bigger fly. :)
plastazote strips for staging -- it will be pinned with pin#3 with labels below the specimen.. I think that is not pratical to have labels below the specimen. To see which is the species of the specimen we just can see that in some specific angles. :S
Other important issue. Concerning the labelling of the flies:
2 labels... for the collection, right? I saw your website, and I would like to put some questions.
1st label (near specimen)
o Place of capture (region, place name & map reference)
QUESTION: Will be enough use geographic coordinates without putting UTM? Right?
o Date of capture (often with the month in roman numerals)
OBSERVATION: I use always the format IN THIS WAY:
This avoids confusion!
I explain:
DD.MM.YYYY 02.12.2007 ---> is it 2 December 2007 or 12 February 2007? :S That's why I use the above format.
The same thing for format MM.DD.YYYY.
The other advantage is that you can put the hour! :)
YYYY.MM.DD.HH.MinMin.SS :) Of course that the HH.MinMin.SS is useless in this case..
I think it is best to use just arabic algarisms, than mix up arabic with roman algarisms. Well, this can be questionable.
So, I always in this way: 2007.09.11(.12.30.30) :) (THE hour I wrote this post, ehe)
o Name of collector
OBSERVATION: First and last name, right?
o (optional) method of collection
2nd label (more near plastazote foam) - the determination (or 'det') label (usually the lowest label) containing:
o Species name
QUESTION: why you wrote by hand the species and not typing in the printer ? :S
o Sex
If we know.. :)
o Name of determiner
o Year of determination
thanks for your patience. :)
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 11-09-2007 12:27