Thread subject: :: Cerioidini tribe (2)

Posted by AaronS on 09-07-2019 21:32

Recently, I ran into more of Pierre D's photos of this specimen (at this link).

And one photo there provides a clear view of the face...and thus removes the ambiguity near the end of the keying process using Curran(1938) as presented in my comment above.

Here's the photo:

...and continuing with the keying sequence given in my comment above...starting from where the choice was previously unclear...we have:

9. Face with one or two vittae........10
10. Face with two brown vittae which meet above and below......gambiana Saunders

So the ID of Monoceromyia gambiana seems unambiguous now.

Edited by AaronS on 09-07-2019 21:37