Thread subject: :: Orthoptera - side keels ?

Posted by BubikolRamios on 10-09-2013 22:47


Chorthippus parallelus is told from similar species by the approximately parallel nature of the bars (pronotal side-keels)

What does that mean "keels" ? The outer most 2 vertical lines (out of 3) on prothorax, here:?

I have some samples where these keels are absent ?
like this:

"Keels" - must this be color marked or even just brake in surface ?
See forinstance this:
Cant decide what it is, nor on any other image on net of Oedipoda caerulescens for thtat matter.
Are keels straight, V opened, absent ?

Any latin naming for those "keels" ?

Making grasshoper key ...

Edited by BubikolRamios on 10-09-2013 22:57

Posted by Calilasseia on 13-09-2013 09:54

Here's a photo I took recently of a specimen of Chorthippus brunneus, a species described as having sharply angled keels on the pronotum. I've annotated the feature in question after a quick session in PhotoShop. Hope this helps!