Thread subject: :: orange Fly -> Chrysopilus sp.

Posted by dipdip on 23-06-2013 14:55

Can you help?

Edited by dipdip on 23-06-2013 20:29

Posted by Sundew on 23-06-2013 16:55

It's Rhagionidae, and, according to the key http://home.hccne...nidae.html, a closed anal cell and a very long arista lead us to Chrysopilus. It recalls the one I posted earlier (http://www.dipter...to_id=2879), so possibly C. laetus. The only thing I dislike is that the 3rd antennal segment seems to be wider than the 2nd. That would make it C. luteolus.
Regards, Sundew

Edited by Sundew on 23-06-2013 17:04

Posted by dipdip on 23-06-2013 20:35

The 3rd antennal segment does seem to be a little wider. But I don't have really good fotos to show it.
Thank you very much for helping and explaning.
Regards Maja

Posted by libor on 24-06-2013 07:05

You could study the attached paper. It is really difficult. My colleague Karel Spitzer from the Czech Academy of Science thinks that laetus and luteolus are not two valid species, but just two little different forms of one species, which should be called Chrysopilus luteolus (Fallén, 1814).