Thread subject: :: a unknown german fly IS a MYOPA (Conopidae)
Posted by SteveMcFly on 28-05-2013 12:19
Hello friends,
last week I have filmed an insect, I strongly think it is a member of diptera,
but I cannot think at all of which family it belongs.
Even to find out the family would be enough for me.
Here is the link to my youtube video:
YouTube Video
And here are some screenshots of my video clips. (there are more).
I have found the insect in the south of germany, last Saturday (25th may 2013)
while cutting grass under some Appletrees. It has been sitting on the top of a grass.
Not very mobile, since the last month has been very cold and rainy and this day was cold too,
about 9° Celsius. The insect has a body length of about 1 cm.