Thread subject: :: Portraits of amateur/professional dipterologists

Posted by Roger Thomason on 10-06-2009 10:41

Hello Fly People....As you can see from the attached photo People Can't Fly.
Somehow managed to fall backwards off scaffolding after re-slating the roof of my house. Fell about 3.5 Metres and bust the back of my head (90mm cut), whip-lash to my neck and severe bruising to lower back...nothing broken though....severe embarrassment is the main feeling I have. Was in the construction business off and on for 25 years working on and erecting scaffold up to 300ft high, only to fall off one in my own back yard...the shame :|. Am just about scuttling around the garden again and will hopefully be sending in more photo's soon.

Looking at the photo you would have thought that they would have tucked my beard inside the neckbrace..some people have no dress style.
No sympathy sought with this image, but amusing comments are welcome...not too funny though as it hurts when I laugh.
Regards Roger