Thread subject: :: Portraits of amateur/professional dipterologists

Posted by Roger Thomason on 13-08-2009 22:16

jorgemotalmeida wrote:
Roger... tsk tsk... I'm the plastic man!!! You will know the fury TO punish you for sayin' such things! :D Blasfemies!!

See!!! Be afraid!!! I have much more strength than any anaconda!

YMCA.. pff...

Plastic Man better watch yourself if you are complaining about 38 Deg. Centigrade...could melt, or maybe you have.
Yes I'd be afraid to be down-wind going by your posture..:D .appear to have had some kind of an "accident in the trouser department" (Not my normal choice of words, but my Laptop doesn't have Translating Subtitles). that a typo...or are your lower case vowels not working?