Thread subject: :: 1&2=Jordanathrix articulata / 3,4&5=Dicyrtomina ornata / 6&7=Entomobrya nicoleti

Posted by Maherjos on 22-11-2012 19:25

Very grateful for your advice, Moo.
In fact, through the link given above by BubikolRamios, had sent an email to Collembola specialist Frans Janssens, sending these pictures. And has been kind enough to answer my email, letting me know the identification of these Collembola, which tells me are:
1 & 2 = Jordanathrix articulata
3, 4 & 5 = Dicyrtomina ornata
6 & 7 = Entomobrya nicoleti

The order of numbering is the same as store photos uploaded to this forum.

I want here to thank the specialist Frans Janssens, without whose help and cooperation, continue ignoring the identity of these small and curious critters. |t

Best regards from southern Spain.

Edited by Maherjos on 24-11-2012 20:44