Thread subject: :: Very tiny fly (19.10.12) --> Tricimba lineella (Chloropidae)

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 20-06-2013 19:02

Tricimba lineella (Fallén, 1820), Chloropidae, is a small Holarctic Tricimba exceptionally with 5 (not 3) grooves in the scutum (= mesonotum)* and with a scutellum not evenly rounded but with corners at the points where the scutellar bristles insert. The saprophagous larvae mainly develop in mushrooms.
* the short outer one can be detected on the right side in the upper image, and as well the typical dark/light banded tibiae in the upper image. [Correction of the asterisk note in the last contribution !]

Edited by von Tschirnhaus on 20-06-2013 19:10