Posted by rafael_carbonell on 04-10-2012 00:37
When I was studying it I also thought be it could be an Oestridae as palpi where very short. It has 2 inter-alar bristles (separated by a distance greater than the distance between the first seta and the suture), but three achrostichal before suture (the one in the middle long and stronger). Proboscis not too long, at most as long as the head. Arista with only very fine hairs. Tergite 2 hollowed to about a 1/4 to the posterior edge. (I see some long bristles at the posterior border of T3 and T4, but may be they are "shifted discal ones").
Frons approx. as wide as the eye. Thus the unique possibility left is
Catharosia, I've measured it under the binocular so it's 4.5 or 4.6 mm.
Edited by rafael_carbonell on 04-10-2012 00:53