Thread subject: :: Bombyliidae: Exoprosopa jacchus or cleomene?

Posted by Mario_Finkel on 16-08-2012 10:16

Hello everybody,

I found this bee-fly in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) near the Swiss border.

In the net I found the very good key of Mark Van Veen and with this I found out that my fly belongs to the genus Exoprosopa (at least I hope that this is right ^^). I can´t really decide if it is Exoprosopa jacchus or E. cleomene.

Can anyone help me with this case? Is it possible to determine the species? Occur both species in southern Germany?

Thanks in advance for help!

Best regards,

Location: Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Kreis Waldshut, Schmitzingen Wiese, 17. July 2012 (Photo: Mario Finkel)

Posted by Mario_Finkel on 27-02-2013 09:21

Can anyone confirm the genus? Is it possible to identify the species?
Regards, Mario

Posted by Mario_Finkel on 05-02-2021 14:53

I would like to reactivate this thread! :)
Can anyone identify this Bombyliidae? Is Exoprosopa sp. correct and is maybe more possible?

Thanks in advance!

Posted by Xespok on 05-08-2021 07:59

Exoprosopa is correct. It is in the jacchus group. I cannot ID this group to species due to many very similar described species.

Posted by vliegenvanger149 on 10-12-2021 16:33

Exoprosopa capucina Fabricius, 1781

Posted by Xespok on 11-12-2021 15:25

Not E. capucina, which has a reddish thoracical furring, and a slightly different wing pattern.

Posted by Xespok on 11-12-2021 15:25

Not E. capucina, which has a reddish thoracical furring, and a slightly different wing pattern.