Thread subject: :: A key-question about diptera identification.

Posted by skrylten on 03-07-2012 21:03

As new to the diptera-world I find it very frustrating to find useful, and easy to access, keys to identify my diptera-finds.
I decided to (as a start and for private use), make a digital html-revision of " A key to the families of british diptera" and Fonsecas Muscidae key in "Handbooks for the identification of British insects", with explaining photos from "".

Shouldn´t it be possible to have a "joint-venture" on to create a seed, for a key, with all the experts and photos on this site ?

Would it be technically possible ?
Any interest, or is it just me that struggles with keys ?
Any copyright problems ?

I attach an image of "my" Phaoiini key as an example...

/Leif K

Posted by ChrisR on 03-07-2012 22:36

I think as long as you give prominent credit to the original authors and don't do it for commercial reasons then it should be fine. The biggest problem though I that a lot of the features that you need to illustrate just don't appear prominently in any of the normal photos of flies. You might get the in specimen photos but still it can be difficult to resolve fine differences in a 2D medium, like photos, when it is so much easier to have a specimen that you can manipulate. Even withy specimen it can be difficult sometimes ;)

Posted by skrylten on 04-07-2012 17:48

Thx for the input Chris !

What I would like to see is some kind of "keying-portal" with keys (easy updateable, web format) instead of pdf-files or papercopies with personal comments in the margin.
I´m pretty sure the keys could only benefit from comments, photos, illustrations etc on this side.

The keys could even teminate with a species specific page with distribution, habits, gallery etc.

Not sure that I express exactly what I´m looking for, but hope you get the idea ;)

Posted by Gunnar M Kvifte on 04-07-2012 19:04

I like your vision!

Paul Beuk started something like this with, you should get involved there.

Posted by Sara21392 on 06-07-2012 09:44

That's great idea from you all! :D

Posted by skrylten on 10-07-2012 18:30

As a test I uploaded a "site" "" to show "my vision".
Please take a look and see if it would be useful.
It should be possible to key down to species in Muscinae and Phaonia.

Remember this is an example, and under construction.

If useful, I think it should be (if possible) in a place like

If anyone feel that I´m violating any copyrights, please let me know, so I can remove the test ASAP.

/Leif Karlsson

Posted by Sara21392 on 11-07-2012 09:56

skrylten wrote:
As a test I uploaded a "site" "" to show "my vision".

/Leif Karlsson

That's great! :D

Posted by skrylten on 26-07-2012 14:25

Continuing my "key-experiment" ...

In regard to the original key, I have now updated it with missing families and hopefully uppdated to correct names and taxonomy.

It should now be possible to key from "Brachychera" via superfamily down to "family-level":D

Xylophagoidea and part of Muscoidea are possible to key down to species-level (but under work).

For sure there might be errors and flaws in the key :S but perhaps it can be helpful for someone.

Posted by skrylten on 30-07-2012 17:53

Next update.
On "family-level" I have now redirected to keys on "external sites".
The keys are mostly for North or Central European species.

In the following families, it is possible to get to genus, and in many cases, species - level.

Tabanidae(in Swedish:P),Tanypezidae,Therevidae,Xylomyidae,Xylophagidae.

/Leif Karlsson

Edited by skrylten on 30-07-2012 17:54

Posted by skrylten on 26-11-2012 22:49

A small update:

Added link to key for Palearctic Tachinidae (to genera) by Hans-Peter TSCHORSNIG and Vera A. RICHTER.

Update of the Muscini key (to genera). Its now:
- Global :)
- Has better photos
- Has zoomable distribution maps :)
- Takes a little longer to load :|
Can be found from "shortcuts-Muscidae" => Muscinae => Muscini

/Leif Karlsson

Posted by skrylten on 23-02-2013 19:21

Updated the "Nematocera => Family" key.
Now 32 families worldwide.

/Leif Karlsson

Posted by skrylten on 13-12-2017 20:13

If anyone ever visited that domain was closed by the free service provider several months ago.

I'm am not sure if I will start my own domain for it but for the time being the "key" can be found at

Maybe it can be of some help.

Keep in mind it is still work in progress ...


Leif K

Edited by skrylten on 13-12-2017 20:14

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-12-2017 15:48

There is enough space on the server...