Thread subject: :: Tachinidae?

Posted by Carnota on 17-01-2007 09:36

Thank you for your help, Chris.

I was a bit confused about Linnaemya, in the Central Europe Tachinidae keys of Tschorsnig and Herting figures Sides of the thorax with yellow hairs for this genus. Probably the photos do not show these hairs.

In the Portugal+Spain checklist of Carles-Tolr?(2002) Cat?logo de los Diptera de Espa?a, Portugal y Andorra, the following Linnaemya are included: L. comta, L. fissiglobula, L. helvetica, L. impudica, L. lithosiophaga, L. media, L. picta, L. soror, L. tessellans, L. vulpina.