Thread subject: :: The European Families of the Diptera

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 21-02-2007 16:31

wow thanks, Nikita, Pierre and Paul.

Nikita - hmm... thank you! And from England! ;) the Colorado in url could get wrong idea about the real origin of the site. :)
It has small differences:
--- 14794 The European Families of Flies (Diptera) Oosterbroek, P.; Jong, H. de, Sijstermans, L. ?40.00 KNNV Buy

is it the same book? The original title is: "The European Families of the Diptera - Identification, diagnosis, biology" (i suppose that the answer is yes :) )

Pierre - er.. I erase my spam mail everyday in gmail account... so, I never see spam BOX. .. there are about 50-100 msg per day in spam box.

Paul - As I said to Pierre, no possible now... all spam mail was erased in the morning... I use gmail account. Thank you for your help.

If the book of Pemberley site is confirmed, I will buy through that site. It is from UK - so it is safe (i don?t pay any tax customs).

Thank you.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 21-02-2007 16:35