Thread subject: :: e-mail address Mr. Withers

Posted by rvanderweele on 28-11-2006 11:45

Does anybody of you has the e-mail address of the dipterist Mr. Withers?


Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-11-2006 12:01

No email address, just a postal address for him HERE, but that may be outdated.

Posted by rvanderweele on 28-11-2006 12:34

I have his snail mail address, but hope to communicate with him by means of digital messages.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 29-11-2006 00:00

Hi Ruud - I think I have Phil's current e-mail address at work. I should be able to get it tomorrow.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-03-2008 20:33

Phil Withers is now among the members of this site. Welcome, Phil!

Posted by phil withers on 04-03-2008 21:08

To any or all of my colleagues (or even ol' Tony Irwin), my e-mail is: phil.withers[|at\]

Edit Paul Beuk: I took the liberty of slightly modifying the way the address is displayed so it cannot be read so easily by any idiot who parses webpages to scan for hapless spam victims.

Edited by Paul Beuk on 04-03-2008 21:14