Thread subject: :: Scathophaga sp. with just one wing... unusual..

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 25-11-2006 22:28


* locality - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL
* date - 25.11.2006
* size - 7 mm
* habitat - open land
* substrate - granite/lichen

I saw this fly just a little before a storm. And took some photos with bad illumination.
I think this is Scathophaga sp. It has the most beautiful colour I've seen in flies. Greenish and yellowish hues. I saw this fly flight even with one wing. Impressive. I saw that this fly almost caught a Sepsidae fly, but my flash saved Sepsidae fly...

see it bigger here:

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 25-11-2006 22:47