Thread subject: :: Lauxania cylindricornis

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 26-06-2005 16:12

Dear Dipterists,
1. Thank you all: Theo Zeegers, Jan Willem, Louis Bourmans, Kahis.
2. It seems to me that high counsulate finaly stoped on Lauxania cylindricornis.
3. This weekend I find again this fly and got not so bad images. Just in case I attach some.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-06-2005 22:36

It is a species of Calliopum. Lauxania have longer antennae.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-11-2005 18:27

Identified by Anatoliy Shatalkin as Calliopum elisae.