Thread subject: :: Nothybus sp. (Nothybidae), Thailand, Owen Lonsdale det.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 15-12-2011 16:18

Size approx. 4.5mm. December 04, 2011, Chanthaburi prov., Khao Khitchakut, Krating Country Resort env.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-12-2011 04:58

Than niether Opomyzoidea, nor Micropezoidea, but Diopsoidea

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 16-08-2013 17:46

In the key by Frey, 1958 it runs to N. triguttatus Bezzi, 1916. We can see three distinct oval subhyaline spots in infuscated apical third of the wings ('Perlen' in Frey). I haven't checked the descriptions of 2 spp. from Sumatra not seen by Frey (sumatranus Enderlein and decoratus de Meijere) which might be more fit in size.

Edited by Dmitry Gavryushin on 16-08-2013 18:14